
Getting the user’s location on Android is a little less straightforward than on iOS. To start the confusion, there are two totally different ways you can do it. The first is using Android APIs from android.location.LocationListener, and the second is using Google Play Services APIs com.google.android.gms.location.LocationListener. Let’s go through both of them.

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Getting the user’s location on Android is a little less straightforward than on iOS. To start the confusion, there are two totally different ways you can do it. The first is using Android APIs from android.location.LocationListener, and the second is using Google Play Services APIs com.google.android.gms.location.LocationListener. Let’s go through both of them. Android’s Location API

The Android’s location APIs use three different providers to get location - LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER — This provider determines location using satellites. Depending on conditions, this provider may take a while to return a location fix. LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER — This provider determines location based on availability of cell tower and WiFi access points. Results are retrieved by means of a network lookup. LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER — This provider will return locations generated by other providers. You passively receive location updates when other applications or services request them without actually requesting the locations yourself.

Google’s API Guide on Location Strategies explains the code pretty nicely. But they also mention that in most cases, you’ll get better battery performance, as well as more appropriate accuracy, by using the Google Location Services API instead. Now the confusion starts!

Google’s Location Services API Google’s Location Services API is a part of the Google Play Services APK (here’s how to set it up) . They’re built on top of Android’s API. These APIs provide a “Fused Location Provider” instead of the providers mentioned above. This provider automatically chooses what underlying provider to use, based on accuracy, battery usage, etc. It is fast because you get location from a system-wide service that keeps updating it. And you can use more advanced features such as geofencing.

To use the Google’s Location Services, your app needs to connect to the GooglePlayServicesClient. To connect to the client, your activity (or fragment, or so) needs to implement GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks and GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener interfaces.

  1. 3rd Stratergy is IPLocation we are getting IP Location from 3rd Party API however we can implement our own server for that.