
Api scaffolding from a model specification in few lines OH MY (coffeescript)

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Unfancy rest apis

Ouch! Is it that simple?

Your model.coffee specification

module.exports = 
  host: process.env.HOST || "localhost:8080"
  name: "project foo"
        description: 'adds a book'
          foo: { type: "string", minLength: 5, required: true }
        function: (req, res, next,lib, reply) ->
          category = req.params.category
          reply.data = [1,2, lib.foo() ]
          return reply 
    type: 'object'
    required: ['code','message','kind','data']
      0: 'feeling groovy'
      1: 'unknown error'
      2: 'your payload is invalid (is object? content-type is application/json?)'                                                                                           
      3: 'data error'
      4: 'access denied'
      code:       { type: 'integer', default: 0 }
      message:    { type: 'string',  default: 'feeling groovy' }
      kind:       { type: 'string',  default: 'default', enum: ['book','default'] }
      data:       { type: 'object' }
      errors:     { type: 'object' }


  • coffeerest-api-doc: automatic html and markdown REST-documentation
  • coffeerest-api-clients: automatic REST clients) TODO
  • coffeerest-api-db: ORM to connect any database (using waterline) which automatically generates collection-to-restapi-endpoints

Example servercode

restify    = require('restify')        # here we use restify but express should be fine too
coffeerest = require('coffeerest-api')
model      = require('./model.coffee')
lib        = 
  foo: () -> return 3

server = restify.createServer { name:model.name }
server.use restify.queryParser()
server.use restify.bodyParser()
server.use coffeerest server, { "/v1":model }, lib  # multiversion support
server.listen process.env.PORT || 8080, () ->
  console.log '%s listening at %s', server.name, server.url


$ coffee server.coffee
registering REST resource: /v1/books/:action (post)
registering REST resource: /v1/book (post)
project foo listening at

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:$PORT/v1/book -X POST --data '{"foo":"foobar"}'
{"code":0,"message":"feeling groovy","kind":"default","data":[1,2,3],"errors":{}}

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:$PORT/v1/book -X POST --data '{"foo":"foo"}'
{"code":2,"message":"your payload is invalid (is object? content-type is application/json?)","kind":"default","data":{},"errors":[{"uri":"/foo","message":"String is less than the required minimum length","attribute":"minLength","details":5}]}

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:$PORT/v1/book -X POST --data '{}'
"code":2,"message":"your payload is invalid (is object? content-type is application/json?)","kind":"default","data":{},"errors":[{"uri":"/foo","message":"Property is required","attribute":"required","details":true}]}


Dont generate code based on config (Yeoman etc), but instead extend both code and config. Oh..and jsonschema, because jsonschema.


  • ignore certain extensions

| pass environment var COFFEEREST_EXT_IGNORE with value '(db|frontend)' to ignore all coffeerest extensions which match either 'db' or 'frontend'