Adding Firebase Authentication to Your Web Application

In the previous article of our Firebase for Web series, we looked at how to configure Firebase with a web app and add services like Analytics and Realtime Database. In this article, we will continue the series by covering another important topic from Firebase: Authentication with web apps. By the end of this article series, you will be a Firebaser (Firebase expert) and able to add robust authentication and authorization to your web applications.

Check out the previous article :


As we know user authentication and authorization is a crucial aspects of any web application.

Firebase Authentication is a service provided by Firebase that makes it easy for developers to add this functionality to their web applications.

With support for multiple authentication methods such as email and password, phone number, and social media providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter,

Firebase Authentication is a versatile and powerful tool for web developers. In this article, we will be diving into how to use Firebase Authentication in your web application, including how to set it up and how to use its various features.