Blog/News Flutter App

Techs Used:

  • Figma
  • Flutter
  • Laravel(Backend)
  • Postman

Season - 1

  • Packages Used

    • Bloc, Flutter Bloc, Velocity Bloc (State Management)
    • Velocity X (UI)
    • Shared Preferences (Local Storage)
    • Auto Route (Navigation)
    • Google Fonts (Text Styles)
    • Dio (HTTP Client)
    • Flutter Quill (A Rich Text Editor)
    • Smooth Page Indicator (Page Dots Indicator)
    • Cached Network Image (Image Caching)
    • Flutter Widget From HTML Core (HTML Codes to String)
    • Awesome Bottom Bar (Bottom Navaigation Bar)
    • Flutter Feather Icons (Icons)
    • Flutter ScreenUtil (Responsive)
    • Animation Wrappers (Animation)
    • Pretty Dio Logger (Log) Optional
    • Image Picker (Pick an Image from Devices)
  • Playlist:

Season - 2

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Buy Me A Coffee Buy Me A Coffee