
Techblog with APIs specially made to learn about APIs with flutter apps.

Primary LanguageBlade



Download zip file or directly open terminal and type

git clone https://github.com/codersangam/techblog.git

Open projects using IDE like VS Code or Others.

In terminal enter below command to update dependencies:

Note: Install composer If you have not installed in your system.

composer update

Create new database or schema using mysql workbench or others.

In main project folder, find .env.example file & rename that file to .env

Setup database name, database user and database password in .env file

Migrate all tables to DB.

php artisan migrate

Type below command in terminal to generate key.

php artisan key:generate

After that, to symlink the images.

php artisan storage:link

Finally, to run project:

php artisan serve


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  • Main Url: https://your-domain.com/api or http://localhost:8000/api

  • Users Panel Endpoint Urls (These Urls doesnot need any tokens)

    • /posts GET Request : Fetch all posts
    • /tags GET Request : Fetch all tags
    • /categories GET Request : Fetch all categories
    • /counts GET Request : Fetch total counts of users, posts, tags and categories.
    • /register POST Request To register new users/admins
    • /login POST Request : To login users/admins

  • Admin Panel Endpoint Urls (These Urls need tokens to create/post/update/delete data)

    • /add-tags POST Request : To add new tags
    • /update-tags POST Request : To update tags
    • /delete-tags/id POST Request : To delete tags
    • /add-categories POST Request : To add new categories
    • /update-categories POST Request : To update categories
    • /delete-categories/id POST Request : To delete categories
    • /user-posts GET Request : To Fetch User Posts
    • /add-posts POST Request : To add new posts
    • /update-posts POST Request : To update posts
    • /delete-posts/id POST Request : To delete posts
    • /logout POST Request : To logout current user.