
Project: Let's Get Building


  • This is a repo of a simple API request using rest-client gem for Ruby

Ruby Dependencies:

  • Ruby-version 2.5.1
  • Rest-client 2.0.2
  • Pry
  • Other dependencies of the rest-client


cd /path/to/rest_search

gem install bundler
Or, gem install rest-client
$ irb
Run require 'rest-client' to bring the gem into your IRB session.

bundle install

ruby rest_client_search.rb
or, ruby bing_search.rb

This will create a pry instance in which you simply type:

>> search

This will create a query to bing using the word you searched.

You can manipulate this search with methods provided by rest-client

For example:

>> search

>> "What would you like to search?"

>> Enter a search term:

>> 'returns a large string'

>> query.cookies

>> 'returns cookies associated'

>> query.headers

>> 'returns headers associated'
  • For more methods that can be run on query refer to rest-client gem

The Odin Project- Ruby on Rails

Warmup: RestClient

This is a warmup exercise to play around with http requests from the command line with the 'rest-client' gem.

A bing search from the command line has been created, where you can do a search for any query, in which you will receive back a http response.

Useful Links

Rest Client - Warmup (Odin Project)

* Run ruby rest_client_search.rb from commandline
* Enter your search
* You can see your request's response(code, cookies, headers)