
JPA, Hibernate, Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

JPA, Hibernate and Spring Boot:

Building a simple JPA Apps using Modern Spring Boot Approach.

Hands on with JPA, Hibernate and Spring boot

  • Why JPA? Why Hibernate? (JPA vs Hibernate)
  • Why SPing Boot and Spring Boot Data JPA?


  • Create a Spring boot Project with H2.

  • Create COURSE table.

  • Use Spring JDBC to play with COURSE table.

  • Use JPA and Hibernate to play with COURSE table.

  • Use Spring Data JPA to play with COURSE table.

  • Dependency we add in Spring Initializr project setup:

    • Spring web;
    • Spring data JDBC;
    • Spring Data JPA;
    • H2 Database;
  • Launching up H2 Console and Creating Course Table in H2

  • Go to browser : http://localhost:8080/h2-console/

JDBC to Spring JDBC to JPA to SPring DAta JPA:

  • Go to h2 console and check the SQL table:
   insert into course (id, name, author)
   values(1, 'Learn AWS','myjavajpatask')

   select * from course
   delete from course where id=1

  • Run or click Run selected by selecting delete or select line in the table.


  • Write a lot of SQL queries!(delete from todo where id=?)
  • And write a lot of JAva Code.

Spring JDBC:

  • Write a lot of SQL queries(delete from todo where id=?)
  • BUT lesser Java Code

JDBC to Spring JDBC code example:

    public void deleteTodo(int id) {
     PreparedStatement st = null;
     try {
      st = db.conn.prepareStatement("delete from todo where id=?");
      st.setInt(1, id);
     } catch (SQLException e) {
       logger.fatal("Query Failed : ", e);
     } finally {
     if (st != null) {
       try {st.close();}
       catch(SQLException e) {}

   public void deleteTodo(int id) {
     jdbcTemplate.update("delete from todo where id=?", id);

Project: RESTFUL WEB SERVICES with Spring Boot:

  • 1: Build Simple Hello World REST API

    • Understand the magic of spring boot
    • Understand fundamentals of building REST API with Spring Boot.
      • @RestController,
      • @RequestMapping,
      • @PathVariable,
      • JSON conversion
  • 2: Build REST API for a Social Media Application:

    • Design and Build a Great REST API:

      • Choosing the right URI for resources(/users, /users/{id}/posts)
      • Choosing the right request method for actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...)
      • Designing Request and Response structures
      • Implementing Security, Validation and Exception Handling
    • Build Advanced REST API Features:

      • Internationalization, HATEOAS, Versioning, Documentation, Content Negotiation, ...
    • Connect your REST API to a Database:

      • Fundamentals of JPA and Hibernate;
      • Use H2 and MYSQL as Databases.