
REACT Assignment 1 Learning

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Base features and Syntax

  • NOTES :
    - npx create-react-app react_base_features_and_syntax ;
    - cd react_base_features_and_syntax ;
    - yarn start ;
    - localhost:3000/ ;
    * Understanding the base features and Syntax;
    * Working with Lists and Conditional;
    * Styling React Components and elements ;
     - Adding and Using Radium (npm install --save radium) : [Radium is a popular package in react which allows us to use inline styles with sudo selectors and media queries.] ;
     - npm install --save styled-components ;
     - npm run eject ; then --- git add . ; then -- git commit -m "" ; then -- run : npm run eject again ; 
     - Debugging react Apps ;
     - Diving Deeper into Components and react Internals ;
     - Remove Errorboundaries folder use it it some cases;

      - Using PropTypes : npm install --save prop-types ;

     TIPS :  New minor version of npm available! 6.13.7 → 6.14.2       │
   │   Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v6.14.2   │
   │               Run npm install -g npm to update! 

Class-based vs Functional Components :

     class-based --------------------------------   Functional
  * class XY extends Component ---------    const XY = props => {...}
    ** Access to State (Yes)   -------   Access to State(useSate()) (Yes)
    ** Lifecycle Hooks (Yes)   --------- Lifecycle Hooks (NO)
  - Access State and Props via "this"  ----- Access Props via "props"
  - this.sate.XY & this.props.XY       ------ props.XY
  (Use if you need to manage State    ----- (Use in all other Cases)
  	or access to Lifecycle Hooks
  	 and you don't 
  	 want to use React Hooks!)

Component Lifecycle - Creation :

 Default ES6 class Feature ---* constructor(props) ---- Call super(props)
                                              DO: Set up State
                                             DON'T: Cause Side-Effects

     * getDeriedStateFromProps(props, state)--- DO: Sync state
                                             DON'T: Cause Side-Effects

       * render() -------  Prepare & Structure your JSX Code

       * Render Child Components 

       * ComponentDidMount() ---- DO: Cause Side-effects
                                 DON'T: Update State(triggers re-render)

Component Lifecycle - Update :

 May Cancel Updating process! ---- 

* getDeriedStateFromProps(props, state) --- DO: Sync Sate to Props;
                                       --- DON'T: Cause Side-Effects;
* shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps,nextState) --- 
                      ----    DO: Decide whether to continue or NOT ; 
                      ---- DON'T: Cause Side-Effects ; 

        * render()
        * Update Child Component Props
* getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps,prevState) -----
                            --- DO: Last-minute DOM ops;
                        --- DON'T: Cause Side-effects ;

  * componentDidUpdate() --- DO: Cause Side-Effects ;
                        --- DON'T: Update state (trigger re-render) ;

How React Updates the DOM :

  *  shouldComponentUpdate()
    passed!      ------------------------ render() is called

  * Faster than "real" DOM -------- Old Virtual DOM <div>...</div>
                  -------- Re-renered Virtual DOM <div>...</div> 
                    --------> render() doesn't immediately update the "real" DOM!


 touch the "real" DOM! } <----- DIFFERENCES ----> { Diffrences found? 
                                              Update "real" DOM}