Ticketing App:

Section 5: Architecture of Multi-service Apps:

Big Tickets Items:

  • The big challenges in micorservices is data.
  • Different ways to share data between services. We are going to focus on Async communication.
  • Async communication focuses on communicating changes using events sent to an event bus.
  • Async communication encourages each service to be 100% self-sufficient.
  • Relatively easy to handle temporary downtime or new service creation.
  • Docker makes it easier to package up services.
  • Kubernetes is a pain to setup, but makes it really easy to deploy + scale services.

Painful Things from App #1:

  • Lots of duplicate code.

  • Really hard to picture the flow of events between services.

  • Really hard to remember what properties an event should have.

  • Really hard to test some event flows.

  • My machine is getting laggy running kubernetes and everything else.and

  • What if someone created a comment after editing 5 others after editing a posts while balancing on a tight rope...


  • Build a central library as an NPM module to share code between our different projects.

  • Precisely define all of our events in this shared library.

  • Write everythings in Typescript.

  • Write tests for as much as possible/reasonable.

  • Run a k8s cluster in the cloud and develop on it almost as quickly as local.

  • Introduce a lot of code to handle concurrency issues.

Ticketing App Overview:

  • Users can list a ticket for an event (concert, sports) for sale.

  • Others users can purchase this ticket.

  • Any user can list tickets for sale and purchase tickets.

  • When a user attempts to purchase a ticket, the ticket is 'locked' for 15 minutes. The user has 15 minutes to enter their payment info.

  • While locked, no other user can purchase the ticket. After 15 minutes, the ticket should 'unlock'.

  • Ticket prices can be edited it they are not locked.