
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A minimalist dependency injection framework for javascript (fully tested for node.js)


  1. Allow creation of modules that can be passed dependencies instead of requiring them.
  2. Simple bootstrapping, minimal footprint
  3. Automatic


What is Dependency Injection

In CommonJS, modules are normally defined like one of the following

exports.hello = -> "hello world"

module.exports =
  hello: "hello world"

If you have a dependency, you normally just require it. The greetings module needs some config to work.

Greetings = require "greetings"
greetings = new Greetings("en")

module.exports = ->
  hello: -> greetings.hello("world")

Instead of requiring it, and setting the config inside our module, we can require that a pre-configured greetings instance be passed in to our function.

module.exports = (greetings) ->
  hello: -> greetings.hello("world")

This is "Dependency Injection". greetings is a dependency of our module. Its dependencies are "injected", meaning they are handed to us by whoever uses our module instead of us reaching out for them.

Why Dependency Injection?

If you ever need to change your config options, such as when testing, or to hit different layers of a service, it is easier to have a pre-configured object passed in instead of creating it yourself.

Your module is a little less coupled to its dependency

You can pass in mock or alternate versions of a module if you want

This is Annoying

It is hard to remember how to construct and configure the dependencies when you want to use your module. This should be automatic. Here is an example


module.exports = (greetings) ->
  hello: -> greetings.hello("world")


module.exports = (language) ->


# you have to do this in every file you want to use robot
Greetings = require "greetings"
greetings = Greetings("en")

Robot = require "robot"
robot = Robot greetings

itsAliiiive = -> 
  console.log robot.hello()

This gets much worse when your dependencies have dependencies of their own. You have to remember in which order to configure them so you can pass them into each other.

Using Dependenable

Dependable automates this process. In the following example, you don't need to register the modules in order, or do it more than once (it will work for dependencies of dependencies)


module.exports = (greetings) ->
  hello: -> greetings.hello("world")


module.exports = (language) ->


# create the container, you only have to do this once.
container = require("dependable").container
deps = container()
deps.register "greetings", require("greetings")
deps.register "robot", require("robot")

robot = deps.get "robot"

itsAliiiive = -> 
  console.log robot.hello()

Using Dependable's Load

You can load files or directories instead of registering by hand. See Reference

Overriding Dependencies for Testing

When testing, you usually want most dependencies loaded normally, but to mock others. You can use overrides for this. In the example below, User depends on Friends.getInfo for it's getFriends call. By setting Friends to MockFriends we can stub the dependency, but any other dependencies User has will be passed in normally.

# boostrap.coffee
deps = container()
deps.register "Friends", require('./Friends')
deps.register "User", require('./User')

# test.coffee
describe 'User', ->
  it 'should get friends plus info', (done) ->

    MockFriends =
      getInfo: (id, cb) -> cb null, {some:"info"}

    User = deps.get "User", {Friends: MockFriends}
    User.getFriends "userId", (err, friends) ->
      # assertions


container.register(name, function) - registers a dependency by name. function can be a function that takes dependencies and returns anything, or an object itself with no dependencies.

container.register(hash) - registers a hash of names and dependencies. Useful for config.

container.load(fileOrFolder) - registers a file, using its file name as the name, or all files in a folder. Does not follow sub directories

container.get(name, overrides = {}) - returns a module by name, with all dependencies injected. If you specify overrides, the dependency will be given those overrides instead of those registerd.

container.resolve([overrides,] cb) - calls cb like a dependency function, injecting any dependencies found in the signature

deps.resolve (User) ->
  # do something with User