
:speedboat: This is a monitoring dashboard for rescue teams receiving distress alerts from the refugees at sea using the Lighthouse mobile app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lighthouse Dashboard

This is a dashboard for alerts sent using the Lighthouse application.

How to build

In order to build this project you need to have NodeJS, npm and Bower installed on your computer.

  1. Install all npm modules : npm install
  2. Install all bower components : bower install

Install Compass

It may be necessary to do a global and local installation for the project's Compass CSS/Sass framework to work:

  1. Global install: npm install -g compass
  2. Local install (inside the project directory: gem install compass

How to run

This project is currently configured to run with the default web server offered by grunt :

grunt serve

To access the dashboard section of the app

Go to: http://localhost:9000/#/dashboard