- This is a simple Chatbot User Interface project built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- The Chatbot UI is designed to be used with a backend service that handles the logic of the chatbot, such as generating responses to user input.
- To use the Chatbot UI, you'll need to have a backend service set up that can handle requests from the UI and generate responses.
- The backend service should accept POST requests with a JSON payload that includes the user's message and any additional information needed to generate a response.
- Once you have your backend service set up, you can clone this repository and open the index.html file in your web browser.
- The Chatbot UI will load and display a simple chat interface where users can enter messages and receive responses from the backend service.
- The Chatbot UI is built using simple HTML and CSS, so it's easy to customize and modify to fit your needs.
- You can modify the HTML and CSS files directly to change the appearance of the chat interface, or you can modify the JavaScript file to add additional functionality.
- If you find any issues with the Chatbot UI or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on this repository.
- We welcome contributions from anyone who would like to help improve the project!
- This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- See the LICENSE file for details.