
[Neurips 2023] Generating Mario Levels with GPT2. Code for the paper "MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models" https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models

Paper PyPi version HuggingFace Spaces Open In Colab

Playing Generated Level Generated Level
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How does it work?

Architecture Example Prompt Generations
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MarioGPT is a finetuned GPT2 model (specifically, distilgpt2), that is trained on a subset Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels levels, provided by The Video Game Level Corpus. MarioGPT is able to generate levels, guided by a simple text prompt. This generation is not perfect, but we believe this is a great first step more controllable and diverse level / environment generation. Forward generation:

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  • python3.8+


from pypi

pip install mario-gpt

or from source

git clone git@github.com:shyamsn97/mario-gpt.git
python setup.py install

Generating Levels

Since our models are built off of the amazing transformers library, we host our model in https://huggingface.co/shyamsn97/Mario-GPT2-700-context-length

This code snippet is the minimal code you need to generate a mario level!

from mario_gpt import MarioLM, SampleOutput

# pretrained_model = shyamsn97/Mario-GPT2-700-context-length

mario_lm = MarioLM()

# use cuda to speed stuff up
# import torch
# device = torch.device('cuda')
# mario_lm = mario_lm.to(device)

prompts = ["many pipes, many enemies, some blocks, high elevation"]

# generate level of size 1400, pump temperature up to ~2.4 for more stochastic but playable levels
generated_level = mario_lm.sample(

# show string list

# show PIL image

# save image

# save text level to file

# play in interactive

# run Astar agent

# Continue generation
generated_level_continued = mario_lm.sample(

# load from text file
loaded_level = SampleOutput.load("generated_level.txt")

# play from loaded (should be the same level that we generated)


The code to train MarioGPT is pretty simple and straightforward, the training class is located here, with a small example notebook

import torch
from mario_gpt import MarioDataset, MarioLM, TrainingConfig, MarioGPTTrainer

# create basic gpt model
BASE = "distilgpt2"
mario_lm = MarioLM(lm_path=BASE, tokenizer_path=BASE)

# create dataset
dataset = MarioDataset(mario_lm.tokenizer)

# create training config and trainer
config = TrainingConfig(save_iteration=10)
trainer = MarioGPTTrainer(mario_lm, dataset, config=config)

# train for 100 iterations!
trainer.train(100, batch_size=1)
See notebook for a more in depth tutorial to generate levels

Interacting with Levels

Right now there are two ways to interact with generated levels:

  1. Huggingface demo -- Thanks to the amazing work by multimodalart, you can generate and play levels interactively in the browser! In addition, gpus are provided so you don't have to own one yourself.
  2. Using the play and astar methods. These require you to have java installed on your computer (Java 8+ tested). For interactive, use the play() method and for astar use the run_astar method. Example:
from mario_gpt import MarioLM

mario_lm = MarioLM()

prompts = ["many pipes, many enemies, some blocks, high elevation"]

generated_level = mario_lm.sample(

# play in interactive

# run Astar agent

Future Plans

Here's a list of some stuff that will be added to the codebase!

  • Basic inference code
  • Add MarioBert Model
  • Add Interactive simulator
  • Training code from paper
  • Inpainting functionality from paper
  • Open-ended level generation code
  • Different generation methods (eg. constrained beam search, etc.)


Shyam Sudhakaran shyamsnair@protonmail.com, https://github.com/shyamsn97, https://shyamsn97.github.io/

Miguel González-Duque migd@itu.dk, https://github.com/miguelgondu

Claire Glanois clgl@itu.dk, https://github.com/claireaoi

Matthias Freiberger matfr@itu.dk, https://github.com/matfrei

Elias Najarro enaj@itu.dk, https://github.com/enajx

Sebastian Risi sebr@itu.dk, https://github.com/sebastianrisi, https://sebastianrisi.com/


If you use the code for academic or commecial use, please cite the associated paper:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2302.05981},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981},
  author = {Sudhakaran, Shyam and González-Duque, Miguel and Glanois, Claire and Freiberger, Matthias and Najarro, Elias and Risi, Sebastian},
  keywords = {Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI), Computation and Language (cs.CL), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
  title = {MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2023},
  copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license}