- 5
Stuck on Initallizing VS Code when imported from a GitHub repository on Chrome
#8713 opened by lulunac27a - 2
#8718 opened by forever520cy - 0
- 0
Failed intailzing vscode
#8714 opened by Aether4568 - 0
Command not working
#8712 opened by JaaGames1 - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
Unable to access Terminal
#8703 opened by iambrands - 1
Preview website issue.
#8702 opened by Exploit-Master12 - 4
- 17
Sharing link to sandbox does not have any code updated
#8689 opened by Nantris - 1
my terminal isnt working im getting this "[CODESANDBOX] Waiting for devcontainer to be up (timeout: 10s) [CODESANDBOX] Waiting for devcontainer to be up (timeout: 10s)" please fix it
#8700 opened by HaseebGamerOP1 - 3
CodeSandbox does not install packages, or there are no node_modules in Angular.
#8695 opened by Sachetacharya - 0
vs open
#8699 opened by battlegod123 - 1
taking lot time fork
#8696 opened by darshanke - 1
- 10
Codesandbox preview error when using React 19
#8673 opened by cherniavskii - 1
Disable scroll behond last line in code sandbox embed
#8682 opened by 1kevinson - 0
- 0
vscode not opening in browser
#8686 opened by AadityaMukherjee2007 - 0
bad gateway
#8675 opened by jrichy1 - 0
monez takery
#8680 opened by toddn11 - 1
cant login
#8674 opened by Ragas30 - 7
Failed to initialize VS Code Server - Set ups fail
#8678 opened by betawaxx - 4
Error $csb___XXX is not a function
#8646 opened by fzaninotto - 1
Codesandbox not colour editing
#8668 opened by syedwasique - 0
Steps to download the sandbox and run it in local (Angular) - Issue running a downloaded sandbox locally
#8672 opened by kishoreandra - 2
- 1
- 0
Devtools not working on iPad
#8667 opened by Kshao123 - 3
- 1
#8665 opened by Wreatarq1221 - 1
#8664 opened by Wreatarq1221 - 0
#8663 opened by koinaa0 - 6
Codesandbox not colour editing
#8655 opened by MarineCrou - 1
not supporting type Symbol
#8652 opened by krishna-saini - 0
Search box unusable due to colors
#8653 opened by php4fan - 0
#8649 opened by Nibueraheng - 0
#8651 opened by Sweedsiter - 0
reconocimiento facial
#8650 opened by betrix12 - 3
Unable to create
#8644 opened by aravind9643 - 1
When modifying a Vue file, the entire sandbox reloads, which is overwhelming.
#8640 opened by wangminqinag - 0
- 0
Confirmation while deleting a CodeSandbox
#8634 opened by danieldanielecki - 0
Do not allow 'latest' when installing npm packages
#8632 opened by gaitat - 8
Sandbox can't recognize Subpath imports, compile fail when import npm package which use this syntax
#8625 opened by pointhalo - 1
Whether to support api creation of `devbox`
#8624 opened by RSS1102 - 4
VSCode Server Fails to Start When Creating Docker Project: "/vscode/ not found"
#8616 opened by thefatdeveloper - 0
The React TypeScript template crashes when you attempt to compose CSS modules from different files
#8619 opened by Santiago-j-s