
Our step-by-step, from the ground up walk-through on issuing kubectl commands in Codeship Pro


Initialize Project

  • Clone this repo
  • Initialize as a new git repo -- rm -rf .git && git init && git add . && git commit -m 'first commit'

Store your k8s configs to a single file

kubectl config view --minify --flatten > kubeconfigdata

Store the contents of the single kube config file to an environment variables file

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/files codeship/env-var-helper cp kubeconfigdata:/root/.kube/config k8s-env
rm kubeconfigdata

View contents stored by codeship/env-var-helper tool

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/files codeship/env-var-helper ls k8s-env

View individual file stored by codeship/env-var-helper tool

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/files codeship/env-var-helper cat /root/.kube/config k8s-env

Remove an individual file stored by codeship/env-var-helper tool

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/files codeship/env-var-helper rm /root/.kube/config k8s-env

Store file back to environment variable file

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/files codeship/env-var-helper cp kubeconfigdata:/root/.kube/config k8s-env

Encrypt the environment variables file

  • Install our jet cli tool on your local machine
  • Setup your repository on your SCM of choice
  • Grab the git url of the repository and create a Codeship Pro project
  • From your Codeship 'Project Settings' > 'General' page, scroll down to AES key section and click 'Download Key'
  • Move downloaded key to your project directory and rename to codeship.aes
  • Add codeship.aes to your .gitignore file (!)
  • Add any additional environment variables to the codeship.env file
  • Run jet encrypt k8s-env k8s-env.encrypted
  • The k8s-env.encrypted will be safe to check into your git repository
  • Remove the plaintext file from your project --> rm k8s-env

Run jet steps

  • Run jet steps
  • Steps should pass, demonstrating that kubectl configurations are now accessible to the kubectl container