Directory structure: java GUI in Android create and edit java/, save the SDK's and the certification keys' directory: sdk.dir=/home/petya/download/android-sdk-linux_x86 sdk.key=/home/petya/work/Webkey run either "ant release" or "ant debug" in java/ to compile java/assets/webkey root directory of the service, all the html/js/css files go here service all source to compile the binary webkey, which goes to java/assets/bin/ set the NDK directory, in my case: export ANDROID_NDK=/home/petya/download/android-ndk-r7 run "make" in service/ to compile sl4a create and edit sl4a/ScriptForAndroidTemplate/, save the SDK's and the certification keys' directory: sdk.dir=/home/petya/download/android-sdk-linux_x86 sdk.key=/home/petya/work/Webkey all source to compile Scripting Layer For Android, which goes to java/libs/script.jar run "ant main" in sl4a/ScriptForAndroidTemplate/ unused files which we don't use right now
This is not an upstream repo. Public repo for my own uses -- master should be stable while dev branch is use at your own risk!