- 2
Is it possible to work with interactive shell?
#30 opened by sqshq - 0
- 0
Error on Multiline-Output
#40 opened by DerTev - 3
go-sh包 ,用到DOCKER操作指令时是无信息返回的。
#39 opened by svija - 1
Is it possible to append files?
#38 opened by ddy4633 - 0
can we config the command execute user?
#35 opened by taotao365s - 7
Dont support uint in arguments
#19 opened by MeGaPk - 0
echo $PATH 输出了单纯的字符串信息
#34 opened by m9rco - 5
How use and operator?
#20 opened by MeGaPk - 0
can i use 'echo $?'
#32 opened by isfang - 2
mutil command is hangling and no return
#28 opened by huangjiasingle - 1
Possible goroutine leak?
#26 opened by jiabiaoreal - 1
Release v0.2
#25 opened by stefanprodan - 1
Can I use this expression?
#24 opened by Vnthf - 1
How run shell script as a command?
#11 opened - 2
make && $PATH env variable
#18 opened by let4be - 3
how to run command in daemon mode?
#16 opened by ziyouchutuwenwu - 5
It is possible to redirect output?
#12 opened by dotzero - 2
It is possible to get the stdoutPipe?
#14 opened by houle - 2
Writing a bash like shell
#13 opened by faeronsayn - 4
output to console when exit status 1
#10 opened by simonhjoerg - 1
timeout and output
#3 opened by rubycut - 0
Support such as "tail -f"?
#2 opened by maxid - 0