
Chat Rooms, Firebase

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Plugin Name ===
Author: Batu Zaya
Tags: angularjs, client side, single page application, chat, chat room, chatroom, firebase
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 2.0
License: GPLv3 or later

Use the Chat Rooms plugin to have chat rooms added to your site, powered by Firebase and AngularJS.

== Description ==

Powered by the [AngularJS for WP](https://wordpress.org/plugins/angularjs-for-wp/) plugin and [Firebase](https://www.firebase.com), add real time communication to your site, for free. Create a new chat room (custom post type) and off you go!

* Fully CSS customizable  
* Template powered - just copy the template file in the template directory into your theme - firebase-chat/chatroom.php and override as you need.

= Why use AngularJS? =

AngularJS renders your posts client-side. WordPress is built on PHP, so every page a user visits is converted to HTML on the server, then served to the client. With ANgularJS you are only getting a JSON Object (text) from the server
then renderring that to HTML using the client's machine. This will speed up your pages as well as allow for more concurrent visitors to your site as the strain on the server is reduced.