
🔒 a TLS termination proxy

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

     ____  __
    / __ \/ /_______      __
   / /_/ / __/ ___/ | /| / /
  / ____/ /_/ /   | |/ |/ /
 /_/    \__/_/    |__/|__(_)

   Sasha P. <dev@ptrw.nl>

tlsify: a TLS termination proxy

Build using go build or install using go get github.com/tlsify/tlsify.

Run using tlsify <type> <address> <type> <address> <certificate> <key>, where <type> indicates a transport type, <address> specifies a connection address and <certificate> and <key> are paths to an X.509 certificate and its key.

type = ( "tc" | "ud" ) , "p" , [ "4" | "6" ]
     | "unix" , [ "gram" | "packet" ] ;

Converting an IPv4 HTTP endpoint to an IPv6 HTTPS endpoint can be done using tlsify tcp4 :80 tcp6 :443 test.cert test.key. Make sure the unencrypted endpoint is only part of a private network if sensitive data is transferred. This repository contains a self-signed certificate for testing, do not use this certificate for any other purpose. Feel free to contact me if you have trouble obtaining a certificate or configuring the software.