- 3
Select multiple days?
#39 opened by PoojaJadav - 1
- 6
How can i disable specific day?
#37 opened by PoojaJadav - 1
Documentation is 404
#35 opened by Usateid - 4
Disabled Days not working for Range Selector
#36 opened by 5chub1 - 0
Reduce Calendar
#34 opened by aszymkiw - 6
- 2
disabled dates are not working properly
#33 opened by f24aalam - 11
Config: disabled dates
#6 opened by lusarz - 7
Config: first day of week
#4 opened by lusarz - 2
Compile sass file to css
#10 opened by valdoryu - 4
Bitbucket error on npm run test:e2E
#8 opened by valdoryu - 1
Config: different language support
#7 opened by lusarz - 0
Config: texts for months & days
#5 opened by lusarz