
This project is a Pokédex app that displays a list of Pokémon and their details using the PokéAPI. The app is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it utilizes the Bootstrap framework for styling and responsiveness.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokedex App

Project Description:

This project is a Pokédex app that displays a list of Pokémon and their details using the PokéAPI. The app is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it utilizes the Bootstrap framework for styling and responsiveness.

Key Features

- Load data from an external API
- View a list of items
- View details for that item by clicking on a list item

How to Get the Project Running:

Download the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files provided. Ensure you have a modern web browser installed (e.g., Chrome, Firefox). Open the HTML file (index.html) in your preferred web browser. The app should now be running, and you can interact with the Pokédex.

Project Dependencies:

JavaScript: The project is written in vanilla JavaScript, compatible with modern browser versions.

Bootstrap: The project uses Bootstrap 4.3.1 for styling and layout. The Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files are included via CDN links in the HTML file. Promise and Fetch Polyfills: The project includes polyfill scripts (promise-polyfill.js and fetch-polyfill.js) to ensure cross-browser compatibility for the fetch API.

The project uses the PokéAPI (https://pokeapi.co/) to fetch Pokémon data. The API provides information about Pokémon species, abilities, moves, and more. The specific endpoint used in the project is 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/?limit=150', which retrieves the details of the first 150 Pokémon. The app fetches the data from this API to populate the Pokédex with Pokémon information.