
Firefox Add-on for easy codesy.io integration

Primary LanguageJavaScript

codesy.io Firefox Extension

The codesy.io Firefox Extension adds codesy.io information to open-source bugs you visit.

Getting Started with Development

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install the Firefox Add-on SDK to get the SDK Virtual Environment
  3. Fiddle with the code
  4. Run cfx run to run an instance of Firefox with your code changes

Because cfx run restarts the browser each time you invoke it, it can be a little cumbersome if you are making very frequent changes to an add-on. So, you may also want to do this:

  1. Get the Extension Auto-Installer
  2. In a second terminal tab, in the working copy of the addon, do this: while true ; do cfx xpi ; wget --post-file=codesy.xpi http://localhost:8888/ ; sleep 5 ; done

Now your changes will post to your Firefox browser every five seconds. Check the MDN article on developing without cfx run for more.

Developing with codesy.io

By default, the add-on communicates with api.codesy.io. You should use the codesy-dev.herokuapp.com dev site while you work on the add-on. Configure the add-on to use domain codesy-dev.herokuapp.com in the add-on preferences.