How to Run

Step 1:

Run the gazebo_house simulation or start the node that publishes the overhead camera images to:

  • /overhead_camera/overhead_camera1/image_raw
  • /overhead_camera/overhead_camera2/image_raw
  • /overhead_camera/overhead_camera3/image_raw
  • /overhead_camera/overhead_camera4/image_raw topics.

Step 2:

Run the script using:

python3 -m run

How to access the resulting occupancy grid:

1. grid.pgm and grid.yaml file is generated in "grid" folder.
2. the grid is also published to "/Occupancy_grid" ros2 topic and can be accessed by subscribing to it.

Latency Test

To test the latency of execution of various modules in the project:

  1. Run the project at least once.
  2. Execute the latency analysis script:
    • Navigate to the Test folder.
    • Run the file using the command:
      python -m analyze

Results will be displayed on the terminal.