
Just my personal learnings on how to use Blazor framework


Just my personal learnings on how to use Blazor framework



URLs on pages need to be rooted (e.g. @page "/home"). When navigating using the NavigationManager the URL should not be rooted (e.g. NavigationManager.NavigateTo("home");). If the URL given to the NavigateTo method starts with a "/", vanigation won't work if the app is published to an IIS application in a sub folder of a IIS website.


Copy additional files

Not specific to blazor: If the project contains additional files (e.g. a .xml configuration file) one can simply add a new section to the project file. One example that copies the single file MyConfig.xml to a sub folder ConfigFiles:

  <_CustomFiles Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/MyConfig.xml" />
  <DotNetPublishFiles Include="@(_CustomFiles)">

Publish profiles are MSBuild files

Not specific to blazor: To copy custom files into the publish directory depending on the publish profile, one can include statements like this into the .pubxml file as well:

  <_CustomFiles Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/MyConfig.Development.xml" />
  <DotNetPublishFiles Include="@(_CustomFiles)">

That way one could create a seperate .pubxml file for each deployment destination and let each one inlude a different configuration.