
Python code to access devices using the Windows Portable Devices API (e.g. Media Transfer Protocol devices)

Primary LanguagePython


Python code to access devices using the Windows Portable Devices API (e.g. Media Transfer Protocol - MTP - devices)

For now, only directory listing and transfer to the device is implemented.

Installation and Usage

  • Get comtypes.
  • Next you need let comtypes build the interfaces. I needed to fiddle around the generated code, to get it working:
  • comment-in the comtypes.client.GetModule(...) lines (or call both from Python console)
  • remove all bad asserts from the generated files (_1F001332_1A57_4934_BE31_AFFC99F4EE0A_0_1_0.py and _2B00BA2F_E750_4BEB_9235_97142EDE1D3E_0_1_0.py)
  • Don't know if it was just me not understanding the interface or if there is a bug in comtypes, but I had to define some parameters as in-out that were just out parameters. In _1F001332_1A57_4934_BE31_AFFC99F4EE0A_0_1_0.py :
  • In IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs, in function Next change the parameter pObjIDs to in-out
  • In IPortableDeviceContent, in function CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData change the parameter ppData to in-out
  • Now you can:
  • List devices with PortableDevices.py ls
  • List directory contents with PortableDevices.py ls [Device]/directory
  • Upload files with PortableDevices.py cp source [Device]/directory