WeatherAPIFuncApp Documentation

The WeatherAPIFuncApp is an Azure Function that consists of the following 5 functions:

  • DownloadImage - This function is responsible for downloading an image from a given source.
  • DownloadImageSAS - The DownloadImageSAS function provides a secure way to download an image using a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
  • FetchWeatherData - The FetchWeatherData function retrieves weather data from a specified source.
  • GetStatus - The GetStatus function returns the status of the WeatherAPIFuncApp.
  • ImageProcessor - The ImageProcessor function processes the downloaded image and performs any necessary image manipulation or analysis (behind the scenes).

In case you want to run the application on localhost, you have to create a local.settings.json file in the root of your project.

It contains the necessary configuration settings for the application. These settings include the connection string for Azure storage, the URLs for the image and weather APIs, the container name for storing weather images, and the authentication credentials.

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=weatherapifuncapp;AccountKey=HfHvYmw4eMqG5L/g6tG0FfBxV6q5cIKMTWzIF43LWU2967c+M/a7P4HEBuOrKDnJqs/MSFRRHHUI+AStUFax4Q==;",
    "ImageAPIURL": "",
    "WeatherAPIURL": "",
    "ContainerName": "weatherimages",
	  "BlobBaseUrl": "",
    "APIUsername": "TestUser",
    "APIPassword": "testpwd"


All functions have authentication enabled, and I have added a username and password in the application settings of the function app. The configuration settings are named APIPassword and APIUsername. All functions will retrieve these credentials from the configuration and include them as a ?code= parameter in all URLs.


The FetchWeatherData method is responsible for generating a list of guid (globally unique identifiers) of the images from Unsplash. These guid values can later be used to download images with text on them. Please perform a GET or POST request in Postman.


The DownloadImage function is used to download an image based on a guid generated in the FetchWeatherData function.

This function requires two parameters. The code parameter is set by Azure for authentication, while the second parameter, named file, is the image guid generated with the .jpg file extension attached to it. Here's an example:


The GetStatus function is used to retrieve the status of the image. It requires one parameter, which is the rowKey parameter. This parameter should be the GUID generated from the steps above.

This should return the following message:

Status for RowKey bb784b93-ae36-4592-9fe9-3fe3dfa47015: Complete