Hello, I am technophile. I do Python, C++,C mainly, rest give a language and 2 days I will learn it. Currently learning ML and Dart
codewithkushagra's Followers
- Amandixit10
- Ammyy9908Kodnest
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- arup1221Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute Of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, pin- 562157.
- AYIDoubleZurich, Switzerland
- DedSec2050Bangalore
- dhruvgupta0503
- Gautam-newb
- Gopal-We12College Student
- gu12934Npower/SAIT/Amii/LHL
- harshit4021
- hitcodemann
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- kaushikikrityySir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
- Nishchaybhuker20
- nitesh01487
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- preethiashok05
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- rmpythoncode
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