

Primary LanguageC++


Package for controlling a KUKA KRC robot from ROS using KUKAVARPROXY

ROS Nodes in this package

  • kvp_joint_command_node

    Publishes robot joint states using ROS Controls JointStateHandle Sets robot joints using JointPositionCommand. Works good with JointGroupPosition controller, but might skip trajectory points if used with FollowJointTrajectory controller

  • kvp_joint_trajectory_node

    FollowJointTrajectoryAction server. Will follow a trajectory. Prefers spare trajectories to keep execution speed up

  • kvp_joint_state_node

    Publies robot joint states using ROS Controls JointStateHandle

  • kvp_ftc_node

    For publishing data from a force torque sensor. Sensordata must be stored to a struc on the KRC. Config via parameter server:

    • force_torque_sensor_topic Where to publish WrenchStamped messages. Defaults to ft_sensor/raw
    • force_torque_sensor_frame What frame is the FT-sensor connected to.
  • kvp_sws_node

    Service node for controlling toolchanger

    • /get_tool_status Get current status of tool.
    • /lock_tool Locks toolchanger
    • /unlock_tool Unlocks toolchanger