
It explains in a elegantly c basics, numerical, data structure, algorithms, equations, patterns, matrix, file management, memory allocation...

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C Programming

This will helps you to enhancement in C. This will explains in a easy-to-understand.


This document cover all the basics to advance programs like

Arithmetic Numeric Analysis | Loops | Array | String | Function | List | Linked List | Methods & Equations | Operators & Expressions | Structures & Unions | Print Patterns | Data Structure | Randomized Algorithms | Searching | Sorting | Stack & Queue algorithm | Hashing | Graph | Tree | File Management & Operations | Memory Allocation | Client-Server |

My C Examples for everyone

I do consider myself as a programmer. And I create these little programs as experiments to learn with ANSI C, or to solve problems for myself. I would gladly accept pointers from others to improve, simplify, or make the code more efficient. If you would like to make any comments then please feel free to email me:


📧 sandeshpol123@gmail.com

My Best C Examples for education

  • Hello World - First program in c.

  • Array - We have used Array in a many of examples on string and number's in this directory.

    • 1 - Add 'n' numbers using array.
    • 2 - Program to check the palindrome of word using array.
    • 3 - Program to arrange array numbers in ascending order.
    • 4 - Program to delete an element from array.
    • 5 - Program to find Largest and Smallest number in array.
    • 6 - Program to reverse the array.
    • 7 - Program to insert an element in array.
    • 8 - Program to delete given number from array.
  • String - We have used String in a number of examples in this directory.

  • Do While Loop - We have used do while looping structure in many programs.

  • Linked List - This directory contains the linked list programs.

  • Arithmetic Numerical - Contains the differents Arithmetic numerical operations.

  • Numerical Method's - Contains the differents Arithmetic Methods and Equations.

    • 1 - Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
    • 2 - Program to print sum of factorial series 1/1! + 2/2! +...1/N!
    • 3 - Program to calculate the sum of 'n' terms in Taylor series.
    • 4 - Program to find area of triangle using Heron's formula.
    • 5 - Program to find f(x) by Lagrange's interpolation method.
    • 6 - Program for Newton Raphson General.
    • 7 - Program for Simpson 1/3 rule.
    • 8 - Program for Goldbach's Conjecture.
    • 9 - Sieve of Eratosthenes : An algorithm to generate all the prime numbers within an range.
    • 10 - Durand Kerner Roots.
    • 11 - Program for Gauss Elimination Method.
    • 12 - Program for Gauss Seidel Method.
    • 13 - Lagrange Theorem..
    • 14 - Newton-Raphson interpolation algorithm..
    • 15 - Ordinary differential equation using forward Euler
    • 16 - Mean.
    • 17 - Median.
    • 18 - Variance.
    • 19 - Compute real eigen values and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix method
    • 20 - Compute statistics for data entered in Real-time Stats
    • 21 - LU decomposition square matrix
    • 22 - Solve a multivariable first order [ordinary differential equation (ODEs) using (midpoint Euler method)
    • 23 - Solve a multivariable first order [ordinary differential equation (ODEs) using [semi implicit Euler method]
    • 24 - QR decomposition of a given matrix.
    • 25 - Program to compute the QR decomposition of a given matrix.
  • Complex Number - This directory contains the complex number programs.

  • Operators - Contains the different programs of operators.

  • Pointer - Contains the Pointer programs.

  • Matrics Programs - Contains the programs of differents operations on matrics.

    • 1 - Program to add two matrix.
    • 2 - Program to check whether the matrix is sparse matrix or not.
    • 3 - Program to calculate the determinant of 2×2 matrix.
    • 4 - Program to calculate the determinant of 3×3 matrix.
    • 5 - Program for Multiplication of two Matrices.
  • Binary Conversion - The Spectial programs in c, Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal.

  • Searching - Differnet searching programs.

  • Sorting - Differnet sorting method programs.

    • 1 - Program to sort array using Insertion sort
    • 2 - Program to sort array using Selection Sort.
    • 3 - Program to sort array using Bubble Sort.
    • 4 - Program to Bubble sort algorithm implementation.
    • 5 - Program for Quick sort algorithm.
    • 6 - Program for Heap sort algorithm.
    • 7 - Program for radix sort algorithm.
    • 8 - Program for radix sort algorithm.
    • 9 - Program for bucket sort algorithm.
    • 10 - Program for binary insertation sort.
    • 11 - Program for selection sort.
    • 12 - Program for selection sort recursive.
    • 13 - Program for insertion sort.
    • 14 - Program for insertion sort recursive.
    • 15 - Program for bubble sort.
    • 16 - Program for bubble sort recursive.
    • 17 - Randomised quick sort implementation.
    • 18 - Program to demonstrate non recursive merge sort
    • 19 - Sorting of array list using bead sort.
    • 20 - Program for counting sort.
    • 21 - Program for heap sort.
    • 22 - Program for bogo sort.
    • 23 - Program for cocktail sort.
    • 24 - Program for comb sort.
    • 25 - Program for cycle sort.
    • 26 - Program for radix sort.
    • 27 - Program for shell sort.
    • 28 - Program for gnome sort.
    • 29 - Program for pancake sort.
    • 30 - Program for partition sort.
    • 31 - Program for multikey quick sort.
    • 32 - Program for Pigeonhole sort.
    • 33 - Program for shaker sort.
    • 34 - Program for shell sort.
    • 35 - Program for stooge sort.
  • Pattern Programs - Select Your Favourite pattern and get code on this directory with respective number.

    • 21 - Program for Half Pyramid of *.
    • 22 - Program for Half Inverted Pyramid of *
    • 23 - Program for Full Pyramid of *
    • 24 - Program for half pyramid of numbers.
    • 25 - Program for Half pyramid of reverse number.
    • 26 - Program for patterns of half alphabets
    • 27 - Program for patterns of numbers
    • 28 - Pattern of half pyramid of binary digit
    • 29 - Pattern half pyramid of inverted number
    • 30 - Pattern reverse half pyramid of number
    • 31 - Program for Disjoint Pyramid Pattern of number
    • 32 - Program for pyramid of Floyd's triangle
    • 33 - Program for Pyramid of star
    • 34 - Program for Pyramid pattern.
    • 35 - Pattern for Number Pyramid.
    • 36 - Program for pyramid of Pascal triangle
    • 37 - Pascal triangle without using function.
    • 38 - Program for Pascal triangle 2.
    • 39 - Program for Pyramid of Number Alphabet Pattern.
    • 40 - Diamond Pattern.
    • 41 - Program for Number Diamond Pattern.
    • 42 - Program for Diamond of Numbers Pattern.
    • 43 - Program for pattern of diamond star outline.
    • 44 - Program for pattern of Hollow Diamond
    • 45 - Program for pattern of Hollow Square.
    • 46 - Program for pattern of Hourglass
    • 47 - Nested Star-Hash Pyramid.
    • 48 - Program for Reverse star pyramid.
    • 49 - Program for Rhombus Pattern.
    • 50 - Program for Square kite pattern.
    • 51 - Program for Triangle with only border
    • 124 - Program for Numerical Spiral Pattern.
    • 128 - Program for Pattern.
    • 129 - Program for Pattern.
    • 130 - Program for Swastika pattern.
    • 131 - Program for H pattern
    • 132 - Program for @


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