
Developer workflow convenience scripts

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status

Git Scripts

These scripts are helpers for managing developer workflow when using git repos hosted on GitHub. Install as a rubygem and they can be run as standard git commands like git about.

Gem Installation

$ gem install pivotal_git_scripts

System Wide Installation

$ cd /usr/local/bin && curl -L http://github.com/pivotal/git_scripts/tarball/master | gunzip | tar xvf - --strip=2


git about shows settings set by git pair and git project


Configures git authors when pair programming.

git pair sp js
user.name=Josh Susser & Sam Pierson

Create a .pairs config file in project root or your home folder.

# .pairs - configuration for 'git pair'
  # <initials>: <Firstname> <Lastname>[; <email-id>]
  eh: Edward Hieatt
  js: Josh Susser; jsusser
  sf: Serguei Filimonov; serguei
  prefix: pair
  domain: pivotallabs.com
  # no_solo_prefix: true
#global: true

By default this affects the current project (.git/config).
Use the --global option or add global: true to your .pairs file to set the global git configuration for all projects (~/.gitconfig).

Options are: -g, --global Modify global git options instead of local -v, --version Show Version -h, --help Show this.


$ git project pivots

This script sets the user account you will use to access repos hosted on github.com. It creates a symlink from id_github_current to id_github_pivotal<project>, which switches the SSH key you are currently using to access GitHub repos. Make sure you have the following lines in your .ssh/config file:

Host github.com
  User git
  IdentityFile /Users/pivotal/.ssh/id_github_current


Copyright (c) 2010 Pivotal Labs. This software is licensed under the MIT License.