Group content box not draw correctly.
Yuki-Soul opened this issue · 3 comments
Yuki-Soul commented
Describe the bug
i expect it should have body box like in screenshot in readme. but after i try, it did not have box on content. so i think it is a bug?
Code Sample
From Tri-inspector sample code.
using UnityEngine;
using TriInspector;
[DeclareBoxGroup("box", Title = "My Box")]
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "BoxGroupSample", menuName = "BoxGroupSample")]
public class BoxGroupSample : ScriptableObject
[Group("box")] public int a;
[Group("box")] public bool b;
This what i do for test;
Expected result: (Having content box)
Result: (Not having content box)
Desktop: Windows 10
Unity version: 2021.3.15f1
Tri Inspector version: 1.9.7
Yuki-Soul commented
Anybody face the same issue, or it just me?
aaronatweta commented
When you open Tools -> TriInspector -> Examples does their box group look OK? I just tried a box group on a scriptable object and it worked fine.
vanifatovvlad commented