
A refresher on using PostgreSQL with psql and PgPromise

Primary LanguageJavaScript

psql refresher workshop

Fix all the failing tests. An refresh your sql knowledge in the process.

Install all the project dependencies using this command:

npm install

Run the tests using:

npm test

Note You will need postgresql installed locally see the instructions below to do it

PostgreSQL refresh workshop - postgresql is a modern sql database.

To be able to to this workshop you will need psql installed on your PC.

To use a cloud PostgreSQL database at elephantsql.com, you can connect to it from your local machine using psql. Or you can you use the online database browser by clicking on the BROWSER link on the left - if you already selected a database.

Alternatively you can create a local PostgreSQL database. Open up a terminal console and type psql to see if you have psql installed. If you don't have psql follow the installation instructions below. Unless you are opting to use the online database browser mentioned above.

Installing postgresql

Installing Postgres on Windows

Download PostgeSQL version 14 from this link and install it.

Specify a password of pg123 when prompted - this is for the postgres user.

Installing Postgres on Linux

To install postgres on Linux use these commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

After the installation you should have the psql command available on your system in the terminal console.

Using a local database

To create a local postgresql database follow the instructions below.

Note: only follow the instructions below if you would like to add a local PostgreSQL database instance. You can skip this initially if you are using an elephantsql.com database instance for example.

Connect to the database using the postgresql user

On Ubuntu use this command:

sudo -u postgres psql;

On Windows use this command:

psql -U postgres

Once done with that create a database & user:

create database garment_app;
create role gary login password 'gar123';
grant all privileges on database garment_app to gary;

Add the following entry to you .env file in the root of your project.


SQL refresher

Note: we assume you already know some SQL but need a bit of a refresher. And yes PostgreSQL might be new to you as well.

Here are some sql statement examples:

select * from garment where id = $1
delete from garment where id = $1
update garment set description = $1 where id = $2
insert into garment (description, username, email, password, first_name, last_name) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)

select gender, count(*) group by gender

Use these pg-promise methods

We will be using the pg-promise module to access PostgreSQL from NodeJS in this workshop.

On pg-promise use these methods:

  • db.none - for updates, deletes or inserts
  • db.one - for queries that returns one things, it will return an object, or a single variable
  • db.many - for queries that returns many things, in the form of a list.

The above methods all return promises

await db.none(sql);

const rows = await db.many(sql, [param1]);

// or

db.many(sql, [param1]).then(result => console.log(result));

When using elephantsql.com: Once a database is created click on the database on the Instances screen. This will take you to the Details screen - see the url on that page and put it in a .env file in the root of your project.

**Also note: you will need to create the .env file yourself. touch .env will do the trick. Or just create an empty text file and rename it to .env

DATABASE_URL=<your db url here - without any brackets...>

Connect to your database using psql in the terminal run this command:

psql <your db url here>

Note: if you run this script locally be sure to run this with the gary user and not the postgres user.

Connect to the database using this command:

psql -U gary -d garment_app

Sometimes you need to specify -h localhost part like this:

psql -h localhost -U gary  -W -d garment_app

Create the garment table in the new database using the \i sql/garment.sql command in psql.