CodeX Surveys

A simple widget to collect users' feedback.


How to use Surveys

  1. Create Notion integration

  2. Create Notion database

  3. Add connection to database Right menu > Connections > Add connection

  4. Install the package

  yarn add @codexteam/surveys
  1. Add widget to your page
import { CodeXSurveys } from '@codexteam/surveys';

const widget = new CodeXSurveys({
  notion: {
    databaseId: '<Notion Database ID>',
    clientSecret: '<Notion Client ID>',
  form: {
      'We want to better understand your goals and requirements. Please, provide us some insights.',
    items: [
        label: 'Product type',
        field: {
          name: 'product_type',
          type: 'select',
          options: ['B2B', 'B2C'],
        label: 'Your product size',
        field: {
          type: 'select',
          name: 'product_size',
          options: ['<100 DAU', '100 DAU - 1000 DAU', '> 1000 DAU'],
        label: 'Your software license',
        field: {
          name: 'software_license',
          type: 'select',
          options: ['Freeware / Open-Source', 'Permissive', 'Proprietary'],
        label: 'Your suggestions to the Editor.js',
        field: {
          name: 'suggestions',
          type: 'textarea',
          placeholder: 'Enter your ideas, requests or issues',
  widget: {
    title: 'Using Editor.js?',
    description: 'Take a 2-minutes survey🙏',