
Physics based multiplayer racing game built with JMonkeyEngine3

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Multiplayer physics-based racing game built with JMonkeyEngine3.




The current version starts with a blank screen. Do not be alarmed, the program is only waiting for players to join. To join, press any key on any of the below control schemes. When finished joining players, press enter and the first race will start.


P1: Arrow keys to drive/steer and left-control to flip.
P2: WASD to drive/steer and F to flip.
P3: IJKL to drive/steer and ; to flip.
P4: Joystick buttons 1 and 2 for forward/reverse, tilt to steer, button 11 to flip. "Flipping" makes the car roll. It is used when the car is upside down.

Build Dependencies