Pulse is a platform that helps the Mozilla Network capture and broadcast its projects and activities. mozillapulse.org
Around the globe, teachers, engineers, activists, and others collaborate to protect and extend the internet as a public resource. They create amazing apps, art, tools, games, and campaigns. Their impact is tremendous, but decentralized and difficult to track, even within the network.
Pulse reveals the network's footprint, it fosters collaboration and amplifies the big wins.
Interested in contributing to this project? A good place to start is by helping with Quality Tests. File a new issue to say hello and let us know that you're interested.
Browse the issues. Look for the labels enhancement, help wanted, good first issue.
$> git clone https://github.com/mozilla/network-pulse.git
$> cd network-pulse
$> npm install
If you would like to override default environment variables... create a .env
file on the root directory and set your env vars there. See environment variables section for details.
This starts server in development mode. See environment variables section for PORT
This starts a few test scripts. Don't forget to run this command and fix errors (if any) before you git push your changes.
This starts a few image optimization scripts.
Name | Description |
Default: process.env.PORT (falls back to 3000 if process.env.PORT cannot be found)The port number you are running the server on. |
Default: https://pulse-api.mofostaging.net/api/pulse URL to Pulse API. e.g., http://test.example.com:8000/api/pulse . To set up a local instance of Pulse API, follow instructions on Pulse API README doc. |
Default: 24 Number of projects you want to display as a batch. Make sure this number is divisible by 2 AND 3 so rows display evenly for different screen sizes. |
Default: https://www.mozillapulse.org/entry/120 Link to learn more about what Pulse project is about. |
URL: https://network-pulse-staging.herokuapp.com/
Updates to master
branch automatically triggers staging deployment.
Deployment is done using the Heroku pipeline. Simply click "Promote To Production".