
Threat Intelligence & Indicators of Compromise repository.

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Indicators of Compromise

HermeticWiper during Ukraine invasion:
  • Intelligence source: ESET Research & Broadcom's Symantec
  • Abstract:

Cybersecurity firms ESET and Broadcom's Symantec said they discovered a new data wiper malware used in fresh attacks against hundreds of machines in Ukraine, as Russian forces formally launched a full-scale military operation against the country.

The Slovak company dubbed the wiper "HermeticWiper" (aka KillDisk.NCV), with one of the malware samples compiled on December 28, 2021, implying that preparations for the attacks may have been underway for nearly two months.

APT-C-01 (PoisonIvy Group):
  • Intelligence source: 360 Helios Team
  • Abstract:

The Poison Ivy Group has carried out 11 years of cyber espionage campaigns against Chinese key units and departments, such as national defense, government, science and technology, education and maritime agencies. The group mainly targets military industry, Sino-US relations, cross-strait relations and ocean-related fields