Shopping List App

This android app was designed for students who spend their money in an unaccounted way. With this app app they can keep a track of their daily expense. It uses Firebase Real-time database, Recycler view, card view, Firebase authentication.


Data Layer

The database used is Firebase Realtime databse which stores the data in cloud and updates it in real time. User authentication is done using Firebase Auth module which creates and save a database of users in cloud.

Presentation Layer

App has beautiful login and signup screens with responsiveness. Home screen of app contains a Recycler view for holding the data in cards. App has custom popup dialogs for adding, updating and deleting the data in the list.


Clone the project in Android Studio or simply download the zip file.


Splash Screen Login Activity SignUp Activity Home Activity Add Data Dialog Update/Delete Dialog

Download APK

To test the app directly on your phone download and install app from below link. Download apk file


If you have thought of adding some features or removing any bug then you are most welcome to Contribute.