
UI-models for your Backbone models + a set of Backbone generic views to build apps without code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Evolutility provides a set of generic Backbone Views to browse, edit, filter, export and chart Backbone models and collections of different structures. With it you configure views with metadata instead of hand-coding templates, Javascript and CSS.

Demo apps

To Do list, AddressBook, Wine Cellar.


Evolutility's views have a Backbone model (to define the data) and also a UI-model (to define the UI for this model).

All views for a Backbone model and collection are defined by only one UI-Model acting as a single source of truth for the definition of all UI elements across views.

Evolutility provides 3 types of view

  • Views for a model: View, Edit, Mini (quick edit), JSON.
  • Views for a collection: List, Badges, Charts.
  • Views for actions on a model or collection: Export, Filter.

A large part of the API (methods, options and events) is common to all views. Some views have additional API.

Views for One model


Shows all fields for viewing (read only). Fields are grouped in panels and tabs. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.View(myConfig);


This view shows all fields for edition to create or update models. It automatically performs validation based on the UI-model and supports the Master-Details pattern (nested collections). Fields are grouped in panels and tabs. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.Edit(myConfig);

Mini (Quick Edit)

Only shows important fields (required or showing as a column in grids). Fields are grouped in a single panel. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.Mini(myConfig);


JSON representation of the data. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.JSON(myConfig);

Views for a collection of Many models


Gives a tabular view of a collection with paging. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.List(myConfig);


Shows records side by side as badges. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.Badges(myConfig);


Draws charts about the collection. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.Charts(myConfig);

Views for Actions

Backbone Views for actions on a collection or a model.


View to define export options and preview the collection export in different data formats (CSV, TAB, HTML, XML, SQL and JSON). screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewAction.Export(myConfig);


View used to build a structured query to filter a collection. screenshot 1

var vw = new Evol.ViewAction.Filter(myConfig);

Live demo of these views.

More Views will be added in the future (thinking of Summary, Import, Mass update, Group, Dashboard, Report, PDF, Auto-documentation and specs...).


Views are not defined in templates but configured with a UI-model using vocabulary with words like "field", "panel" and "tab" rather than "INPUT" and "DIV" to describe UI elements.

Here is the UI model used to configure all views for the "To Do" app demo:

var UIModel_todo = {
    id: 'todo',
    label: 'To Do',
    entity: 'task',
    entities: 'tasks',
    icon: 'todo.gif',
    elements: [
            type: 'panel', label: 'Task', width: 62,
            elements: [
                    id: 'title', type: 'text', label: 'Title', required: true,
                    maxlength: 255, width: 100, viewmany: true
                    id: 'duedate', type: 'date', label: 'Due Date', width: 62, viewmany: true
                    id: 'category', type: 'lov', label: 'Category', width: 38, viewmany: true,
                    list: [
                        {id: 'home', text: 'Home'},
                        {id: 'work', text: 'Work'},
                        {id: 'fun', text: 'Fun'},
                        {id: 'others', text: 'Others'},
                        {id: 'misc', text: 'Misc.'}
            type: 'panel', label: 'Status', width: 38,
            elements: [
                    id: 'priority', type: 'lov', label: 'Priority', required: true,
                    width: 100,  viewmany: true,
                    list: [
                        {id: '1', text: '1 - ASAP'},
                        {id: '2', text: '2 - Urgent'},
                        {id: '3', text: '3 - Important'},
                        {id: '4', text: '4 - Medium'},
                        {id: '5', text: '5 - Low'}
                    id: 'complete', type: 'boolean', label: 'Complete', width: 100, viewmany: true
            type: 'panel', label: 'Notes', width: 100,
            elements: [
                {id: 'notes', type: 'textmultiline', label: 'Notes', maxlength: 1000,
                    width: 100, height: 6, viewmany: false }

See UI-Model documentation for the UI vocabulary available (structure of UI-models or metamodel).

UI Models for the demo apps: To Do list, AddressBook, Wine Cellar.

With Evolutility, a single UI-model defines a full single page applications (SPA) to view, edit, filter and export a Backbone model or collection.

Try it now: Download Evolutility.JS, make modification to the demo UI-models by adding and modifying fields and panels and see the demo apps become your apps.

Stack and dependencies

Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, [Backbone] (http://backbonejs.org), [Underscore] (http://underscorejs.org/), [jQuery] (http://jquery.com), [Bootstrap] (http://getbootstrap.com/), [Bootstrap-datepicker] (http://eternicode.github.io/bootstrap-datepicker/), [Select2] (http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/).


Some documentation is in progress at [this page] (http://evoluteur.github.io/evolutility/doc/index.html).

Previous incarnation

Evolutility.js is a re-write of [Evolutility] (http://www.evolutility.org) generic CRUD UI for ASP.net.


Copyright (c) 2014 Olivier Giulieri.

Evolutility.js is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 GNU AGPLv3.