FUGI (Flutter User Group Indonesia 🇮🇩)has challenge to create mini project called Movie Apps. Totally 30 participants joined for this event. 6 teams with 5 persons each, has challenge to create unique Movie Apps with collaboration each members.
The 2nd Team's Squad
This app name is "MyTinderMovie"
Mobile Apps for Android and iOS build with Flutter which managed the movie information about trending, popular, top rated movie's based on TMDB Movies APIs.
Only getting some data from TMDB api's, no authentications feature, no personal info, no credential or anything related to user personalizations. For watch list features it's only saved on state management instad of local storage/ shared preference.
This project build with Flutter 3.0.5
, and some packages are:
- cached_network_image: ^3.2.1 card_swiper:^2.0.4
- cupertino_icons:^1.0.2 dio:^4.0.6 flutter_dotenv:^5.0.2
- flutter_hooks:^0.18.5+1 flutter_launcher_icons:^0.10.0
- flutter_riverpod:^2.0.0-dev.0 flutter_screenutil:^5.5.3+2
- font_awesome_flutter:^10.1.0 freezed:^2.0.3+1
- freezed_annotation:^2.0.3
- go_router:^4.2.7
- google_fonts:^3.0.1
- hooks_riverpod:^2.0.0-dev.0
- intl:^0.17.0
- keyboard_dismisser:^3.0.0
- logger:^1.1.0
- palette_generator:^0.3.3+2
- url_launcher: ^6.1.5
Template movie apps we are used: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1124835379376527920
Thanks to Francisco Santos for the beatiful template
- Clone the project from:
and type commandcode .
to open project in Vs Code- Make sure the environment is same with as description (flutter version)
- Run
flutter pub get
- Run "Run Without Debugging" on VS Code
Splash Screen
Home Screen
Detail Movie Screen
Search Screen
Watch List Screen
Profile Screen (Underconstruction)
Movie Detail Tinder Features
Swipe to right on Poster Image for view next movie
Swipe to left on Poster Image for view next movie
Open Movie's cast to google search
Rate Movie (Underconstruction)
> Available on FUGI Sharing Session
- Koordinator membuat 1 repo github fugi_movie_app_team{nomor}
- semua anggota team wajib punya akun github
- semua anggota team di beri akses ke repo oleh koordinator
- semua anggota team clone project ke pc/laptop masing-masing
- Meeting dan sharing dikoordinasi oleh koordinator team.
- "Koordinator memimpin update progress team.
Update progress bersama akan diadakan setiap hari kamis jam 20.00"
- semua team membuat akun di https://www.themoviedb.org/
- api key koordinator, yang dipakai untuk project
- "Minimum API:
- Semua anggota aktif berdiskusi
- Mentor siap membantu menjadi fasilitator
- design ditentukan oleh team
- Deadline 31 Agustus 2022
- Demo day 1 September 2022
- Flow ini dapat diupdate setiap saat serta akan diberitahukan ke setiap team.