VSGA API is a RESTful API built with Go (Golang) and Postgres. It is the backend for the VSGA Mobile Application.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/codeyzx/vsga-api.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd vsga-api
  3. Install the dependencies: go get -u
  4. Create database: vsga-api
  5. Run the application: go run main.go

notes: database will be migrated automatically

API Documentation

GET / Redirects to API documentation All users
GET /docs/* Serves the API documentation page All users
GET /employe Gets a list of all employee All users
GET /employe/:id Gets information on a single employee All users
POST /employe Creates a new employee All users
PUT /employe/:id Update an employee All users
DELETE /employe/:id Delete an employee All users