
A guide to quickly get started with Open source development with Codezoned

Quick Start Guide

Welcome to Codezoned;

Congratulations on becoming a active member of fastest growing open source community!

This guide will help you to understand various functionality of CODEZONED.

Lets get started.

  1. To actively contribute on Codezoned GitHub Repo:

    There are various open source projects which are waiting for you.

    But before that fork this repo---> join_codezoned.

    Please add your name and git hub username to join Codezoned Github family.

    You can also explore various projects like - ScriptsDump , RIG - Random ID Card Generator , BlogCast , codezoned.com etc. One more thing before you start to commit, don't forget to star all our projects.

  2. Wanna find some active members of codezoned then join our Discord Channel. Feel free to talk to us anytime. We are always happy to interact and hear new ideas from you. Click here to join.

  3. Codezoned FORUM - Yes , we also have a forum. It is a wide collection of articles and answers for young developers like you. You can post any article or questions. There are various categories like Web Development , Art, General Discussion ,codezoned etc. Lets jump to Forum---Click Here!!!

ALL THE BEST!!! We hope you liked this little introduction to codezoned of ours.

If any problems / queries , feel free to contact us at team@codezoned.com or manish@codezoned.com