
template creator for competitive programming

Primary LanguageShell


This is a template creator for competitive programming,

  1. go to your desired directory, and download the file there.
  2. run in the command line ./atcoder_files.sh
  3. input the competion name or number it will create a folder with the competition name and with python files for each problem

If you want to change the problem numbers/names change the variable called NAMES.

To change the template just change the part of the code echo -e "n=int(input())\nl=[*map(int,input().split())]\n">>"$COMP/$NAME.py" ; "n=int(input())\nl=[*map(int,input().split())]" to whatever code you want to have as template use the \n for newline

If you want to create c++ files just change $COMP/$NAME.py in line 9 and 11 to $COMP/$NAME.cpp same goes for other programming languages