Laravel Nova tool for running Artisan commands.
This Nova tool lets you:
- run artisan commands
- specify options for commands
- get command result
- view commands history
You can install the nova tool in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:
composer require guratr/nova-command-runner
Next up, you must register the tool with Nova. This is typically done in the tools
method of the NovaServiceProvider
// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php
// ...
public function tools()
return [
// ...
new \Guratr\CommandRunner\CommandRunner,
Publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Guratr\CommandRunner\ToolServiceProvider"
Add your commands to config/nova-command-runner.php
Available options:
- run : command to run (E.g. route:cache)
- options : arrary of options for command (e.g. ['--allow' => ['']])
- type : button class (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, link)
- group: Group name (optional)
Click on the "Command Runner" menu item in your Nova app to see the tool.