
This sample repo uses the Nuxt Mountains API and StepZen's @rest directive to fetch a list of mountains and expose a GraphQL API to our Nuxt frontend.


1. Project Setup

Before you get started, you'll need to get yourself a StepZen account and install the StepZen CLI.

Clone repo and install dependencies.

git clone
cd stepzen-nuxt
npm i

Start the development server on localhost:3000.

npm run dev

You will initially see an error, Cannot read property 'mountains' of undefined, because we haven't included our StepZen endpoint yet. See the next section for instructions to include your endpoint.

2. Deploy API

Deploy your API with stepzen start.

stepzen start

Send the following test query to verify your endpoint is working.

query getMountains {
  mountains {

This also deployed our API to https://${username} where ${username} is your StepZen account name.

Note: Make sure to run cp .env.example .env and fill in the environment details using the output from the "Deploy API" step (stepzen start) and your StepZen account page as a reference.

Your .env file should look similar to:


2.1 GraphQL API

For more information around the GraphQL API, please look at the mountains.graphql file in our schema directory for our Mountain interface and Query type.

3. Mountains Component - NuxtMountains.vue

We have a directory for components with a NuxtMountains.vue file. This contains our query to fetch the mountain data from the NuxtJS Mountain API.

The endpoint used in fetch() is the API call that needs to be made in a serverless function to protect your StepZen keys.

4. Nuxt App - index.vue

Our Nuxt frontend contains an index.vue file for our home page inside a directory for pages. Our root component renders a title to the home page.

// pages/index.vue

    <h1>StepZen Nuxt Tutorial</h1>
    <NuxtMountains />

Alt Text

5. Configuration - nuxt.config.js

Adding true for components lets you use any components inside the components directory without needing to import the components.

export default {
  components: true