
Golang based commadline tool to spin up Selenium 4 Grid on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageGo


Golang based commandline tool to spin up Selenium 4 Grid on Kubernetes within seconds

Why Go4Grid?

  • Setup, Teardown, Scale up/down grid with single command
  • No need of handling deployment files
  • Most of tasks are asynchronous and run concurrently

Building from source

  • Clone repo
  • Run go get -u ./... && go build -u ./...

Using go4grid

Currently available commands

  • start

    ./go4grid start --help        
    start up selenium 4 grid hub and nodes
    go4grid start [flags]
        --chrome int32       number of chrome nodes (default 1)
        --firefox int32      number of firefox nodes (default 1)
    -h, --help               help for start
        --namespace string   kube namespace (default "default")
  • terminate

    ./go4grid terminate --help
    cleans up selenium 4 grid hub and nodes
    go4grid terminate [flags]
    -h, --help               help for terminate
        --namespace string   kube namespace (default "default")
  • status

    ./go4grid status --help
    gets the current state of selenium 4 grid
    go4grid status [flags]
    -h, --help               help for status
        --namespace string   kube namespace (default "default")

    Sample output:

    |              NAME              | NAMESPACE | PODS |          CREATED          |            IMAGE            |
    | go4grid-selenium4-hub          | default   | 1/1  | 2020-07-23T10:33:38+08:00 | selenium/hub:4.0.0          |
    | go4grid-selenium4-node-chrome  | default   | 1/1  | 2020-07-23T10:34:18+08:00 | selenium/node-chrome:4.0.0  |
    | go4grid-selenium4-node-firefox | default   | 1/1  | 2020-07-23T10:34:18+08:00 | selenium/node-firefox:4.0.0 |

Scaling grid

For scaling grid same start command can be used. Go4Grid will analyze the current state of Grid and will scale up or down the nodes as needed