
All projects from Tim Buchalka Java Master Class

Primary LanguageJava

The files located in this repository are:

  1. Current projects completed in Tim Buchalka's Java Master Class on Udemy are referenced with the exact name as those projects.

  2. Additional projects that I completed to help strengthen my Java skills. These projects did not come from the course but either through YouTube videos, stackoverflow.com, or some other source.

  3. For all projects, you may see commented out code. These comments will have to be removed or uncommented in order for code to run locally.

    Ex. //This is a comment

    All code is variations of the original project and work.

  4. The IDE used was IntelliJIdea Community 2019.3.

  5. The solutions are "my solutions." While there are many different ways to solve a programming problem, I try to find the way that works best for me. Sometimes this may be a longer route to solving the problem, sometimes it may be shorter. Feedback is always welcome.

    Ex. At this point in my java learning, I prefer sum = sum + i versus sum += i; You may prefer sum += i, so use whatever form you are comfortable with...that's programming.

  6. The files (Classes) are listed in alphabetical order, not chronological.

  7. You will notice that the for some Classes the main method is missing. That is because in the exercises part of the instructions is to not include one. I did however include the main method in some of the Classes, but if the code is pasted into an IDE as is it will not run unless a project is created with a command line app to include a main method.

  8. I have included several star pattern exercises named StarPatternX.java. The only problem relative to the course is the DiagonalStar.java. The other ones are exercises that I found searching YouTube. If you are having a difficult time wrapping your head around these types of problems then I would suggest practice practice practice. One thing that helped me very much understand this type of logic was the Step by Step debugging option that is available with IntelliJ.

    According to Jetbrains, the creator of IntelliJ, during a debugging session, you launch your program with the debugger attached to it. The purpose of the debugger is to interfere with the program execution and provide you with the information on what’s happening under the hood. This facilitates the process of detecting and fixing bugs in your program. You can actually execute each line by line in your code and see how your code is affected by changes. A good link to understanding the debugging process is https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/debugging-your-first-java-application.html.

    Also, after watching the Talented Developer's YouTube channel, I was able to better understand patterns.

    For each of the additional star pattern exercises copy and paste the code in to your IDE and see the pattern obtained. Then, comment out the code and click enter until you can't see the code and try to recreate the pattern without looking at the completed code. I do plan on uploading many more pattern type exercises in the future.