Demonstration of segment multiplexing for a 7-segment display with an Arduino Uno/Nano.
- Only one segment at the same time is enabled
- All digits uses the same segment at the same time
- Every digit, where the current segment should be shown, is enabled
- On every display update the next segment will be enabled. If the last segment is reached the next segment will be the first segment.
This technic could be used to drive a 7-segment display with a common anode or cathode (for example 4041AH):
- directly by an Arduino Uno/Nano and
- without a special display controller and
- without too much current on microcontroller I/O-pins (Max. 40mA per I/O-pin would be allowed for an ATmega328P and 200mA for all I/O-pins in sum. We will use only ~11mA per I/O-pin and in sum 11mA*"Number of digits" due segment muliplexing, for example 44mA for a 4 digit display)
- with only one current limiting resistors per digit and
- without brightness flickering depending on how many segments of digit are used
- We use use only 1/8 of the maximum possible brightness of the display
- We have to update the display every ~2ms to avoid flickering (for example by timer2)
Model: 4041AH
Type: Common cathode
Pin | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 |
Usage | DIG1 | A | F | DIG2 | DIG3 | B |
Pin | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Usage | E | D | DP | C | G | DIG4 |
DIG1 = Common cathode for digit on left side ... DIG4 = Common cathode for digit on right side