
GuLi Mall Backend (Spring 2.7.2, JDK 19)

Primary LanguageJavaScript




With the help of

Docker Port-mapping (.. run -p3306:3306 ..)
Vagrantfile (config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest:3306,host: 3306)

You can connect to them using localhost:3306 like they are in the host machine

If you also have an app which uses port 3336, just change the host: PORT in Vagrantfile

To make the MySQL and Redis to run when you boot up the VM, add

docker update mysql5dot7 --restart=always
docker update redis6dot16 --restart=always

  1. The Foundation Vagrant

    Almost all the tools were installed to the VM, including Docker

    • Get started
    brew install vagrant    # use the GUI way if you prefer
    vagrant --version       # check if installed correctly
    vagrant init centos/7   # config file
    # cd the where the Vagrantfile file lies in
    vagrant up              # download, config and boot
    vagrant ssh             # ssh into the virtual machine
    • Networking

      To make the VM like just another physical PC in your LAN

    # Edit the Vagrantfile
    config.vm.network "public_network"
    # Run `vagrant up`
    # You shall choose the one you used to connect to the Internet
  2. Docker

    Run under the user root

    # 1. Remove existing docker just in case any problems arise
    # https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/#uninstall-old-versions
    yum remove docker-engine \
        docker-common \
        docker docker-latest \
        docker-client docker-client-latest \
        docker-logrotate docker-latest-logrotate  \
    # 2. Let yum know where to find Docker to install
    # https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/#install-using-the-repository
    yum install -y yum-utils
    yum-config-manager \
        --add-repo \
    yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
    # 3. Configure mirrors Docker images for faster fetching
    # https://cr.console.aliyun.com/cn-hangzhou/instances/mirrors
    mkdir -p /etc/docker
    touch    /etc/docker/daemon.json
    echo '{"registry-mirrors": ["https://22diassb.mirror.aliyuncs.com"]}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json
    # 4. Configure Docker to run when the OS boots
    systemctl enable docker    # add to 'run when OS boots' list
    # 5. Run
    systemctl start docker
  3. MySQL

    Run under the user root

    • Get started
    # 1. Get MySQL
    docker pull mysql:5.7
    docker images | grep mysql
    docker container ls
    docker container stop mysql5dot7
    docker container rm   mysql5dot7
    # 2. Run MySQL
    docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql5dot7 \
        -v /mydata/mysql/log:/var/log/mysql \
        -v /mydata/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql \
        -v /mydata/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql \
        -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root \
        -d mysql:5.7
    • Configuration

      • Ready to edit the config for MySQL 5.7 in VM (<- Docker container)
      # /mydata/mysql/log     /var/log/mysql
      # /mydata/mysql/data    /var/lib/mysql
      # /mydata/mysql/conf    /etc/mysql
      • Edit MySQL config ( sudo vi /mydata/mysql/conf/my.cnf )
      init_connect='SET NAMES utf8'
      init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci'
      • Reload new configuration
      docker restart mysql5dot7
      • Check new configuration
      docker exec -it mysql5dot7 /bin/bash     # VM
      cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf                    # MySQL container
  4. Redis

    Run under the user root

    • Get started
    # 1. Get Redis
    docker pull redis:6.0.16
    docker images | grep redis
    docker container ls
    docker container stop redis6dot16
    docker container rm   redis6dot16
    # 2. Initialization before running
    # Mapping the config in VM into the Redis container
    mkdir -p /mydata/redis/conf
    touch /mydata/redis/conf/redis.conf
    # 3. Run Redis
    docker run -p 6379:6379 --name redis6dot16 \
        -v /mydata/redis/data:/data \
        -v /mydata/redis/conf/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf \
        -d redis:6.0.16 \
        redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf
    • Configuration
    # 1. Edit configuration (Redis persistence)
    echo 'appendonly yes' > /mydata/redis/conf/redis.conf
    # 2. Check configuration
    docker exec -it redis6dot16 /bin/bash    # VM
    cat /etc/redis/redis.conf                # Redis container
  5. Maven

    AliYun mirror (for faster download) and use JDK 1.8 to compile

  6. Editors

    Plugins to install

    • IDEA: Lombok, MyBatisX
    • VS Code: whatever suits you


I'm using mycli (mycli -u root -h localhost) and BeeKeeper to manage the databases

  • Create the database

    Reference for the command, the why for utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_ci

    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_pms_product
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_oms_order
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_sms_salepromo
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_ums_user
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_wms_logistics
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
  • Load the schema

    cd to where the .sql files are and get mycli installed (reference to source)

    USE    gulimall_pms_product       ;
    source gulimall_pms_product.sql   ;
    USE    gulimall_oms_order         ;
    source gulimall_oms_order.sql     ;
    USE    gulimall_sms_salepromo     ;
    source gulimall_sms_salepromo.sql ;
    USE    gulimall_ums_user          ;
    source gulimall_ums_user.sql      ;
    USE    gulimall_wms_logistics     ;
    source gulimall_wms_logistics.sql ;


Remove the .git folder before you include or start using these


Backend: renren-fast

  • Create the database

    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gulimall_admin_renrenfast
        DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
  • Load the data from the .sql included in the repository

    cd to where the .sql files are and get mycli installed (reference to source)

    use    gulimall_admin_renrenfast     ;
    source gulimall_admin_renrenfast.sql ;
  • Run

    mvn clean
    mvn install
    # Now you can run the start up the frontend Vue.js project
    mvn spring-boot:run

Frontend: renren-fast-vue

  • Make sure you already have the backend server running

    yarn install
    # 1. The name and the password are both 'admin'
    # 2. The captcha was generated by the backend server
    yarn run dev

Code Generation

Get renren-generator and fix basic dep issues

  • Component 👐 Database

    gulimall-coupon     gulimall_sms_salepromo
    gulimall-member     gulimall_ums_user
    gulimall-order      gulimall_oms_order
    gulimall-product    gulimall_pms_product
    gulimall-ware       gulimall_wms_logistics
  1. Make copies based on the template

    # Then edit the details by your own
    for f in application-{coupon,member,order,product,ware}.yml;
        do cp ${ORIG_CONF_APP} $f;
    # Then edit the details by your own
    for f in generator-{coupon,member,order,product,ware}.properties;
        do cp ${ORIG_CONF_GEN} $f;
  2. Run the generation service

    Modify the directory in correspondence with yours

    cd "${PROJ_ROOT}/renren-generator/src/main/resources/"
    cp -fv application-${COMP}.yml application.yml ;
    cp -fv generator-${COMP}.properties generator.properties ;
    cd "${PROJ_ROOT}/renren-generator"
    mvn clean install && mvn spring-boot:run
    cd "${PROJ_ROOT}"
  3. Start the generation

    open "http://localhost:${PORT}#generator.html"
  4. Add the generated code to our components

    Make sure you haven't written anything new to the components!

    cd "/Users/mac/dev/ytb-projects-gulimall"
    for comp in {coupon,member,order,product,ware}.zip;
        unzip \
            "dev_generatedcode/srcmain-gulimall-${comp}.zip" \
            -d "gulimall-${comp}/src/" &> /dev/null
  5. Fix dependencies

    • Create dedicated package to hold common dependencies

    The main theme is copying files around and mvn clean install

    cd "/Users/mac/dev/ytb-projects-gulimall"
    mkdir -p \
        gulimall-common \
    • pom.xml for gulimall-common
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project .. >
    • Modify pom.xml in other components for them to use common dependencies
    <!-- Add right after the starting section of <dependencies> -->

Microservice in Practice

For non-microservices, only three parts were required, the frondend, the database and the backend. But when the business grows larger and more complex, you would need an efficient and effective way to manage the scale and complexity.

And the backend is where we targeting on, to make it not just scalable, but also manageable. Technologies which were provided by Spring Cloud or Spring Cloud Alibaba is the set of tools which helps us to to do that (scalable and manageable).

Don't be scared by the terminologies

Names like Service Registration: the name of the solution for the problems we would face (in this context: letting different services find each other)
Names like Nacos: the name of a tool which delivers the solutions for at least one of the problems you would face


  • Solution

    • Service Registration
    • Service Discovery
    • Load Balancing (just the setup in term of progress)
    • Configuration Management
  • Usage Overview

    A server running at the background plus a few registered services

Service Discovery & Registration
  • Setup for the Server

    • Download the Nacos server

      Do not put these under your version control, which would exceed the 100MB limit, as you need to handle the Git-LFS related issues

      # Download
      wget \
          -O nacos-server-2.1.1.zip \
      # Extract
      unzip nacos-server-2.1.1.zip -d .
    • Run

      # Start
      bash ./nacos/bin/startup.sh -m standalone
      # Check if it started correctly
      cat ./nacos/logs/start.out
  • Setup for the Client

    • Download the dependency

      Add this to the pom.xml inside the gulimall-common package

      <!-- Right after where the level 'mysql-connector-java' is in -->
      <!-- Other components would be able to use this as well! -->
    • Configuration

      Add this to whichever components you wanna test on

      # application.yml
          name: gulimall-COMPONENT
    • Annotation

      Add this to whichever components you wanna test on

      // src/main/java -> PACKAGE -> Gulimall 👉COMPONENT👈 Application.java
      import .. ;
      import .. ;
      import org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.EnableDiscoveryClient;
      @ ..
      @ ..
      public class GulimallCouponApplication { .. }
  • Get the clients running (registering)

    # Go to the root folder of whichever components you wanna test on
    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
    # Now you could go to localhost:8848 to check if they registered correctly
    # Both the username and the password are 'nacos' (lowercase)
Load Balancing

Basically we are choosing the one included in Nacos instead of Netflix Ribbon

  • Add this to the pom.xml in the gulimall-common so all the components could use it
        <!-- Already added this, showing you where to add '<exclusion>' tag -->

        <!-- Excluding this Load Balancer, we'll use the one down below -->

Configuration Management

Basically we'll let components be able to send a (HTTP/RPC) request to upload the configurations


Followed these steps from the Nacos documentation

  1. Add this to the pom.xml in the gulimall-common so all the components are able to use them
    <!-- Nacos: Configuration Management -->

    <!-- Dedicated for bootstrap.properties which Nacos use it to configure -->
  1. Config file bootstrap.properties for Nacos configuration management

    Nacos requires this to configure the config management (their doc references it)

    touch \
  2. Configuration for/with bootstrap.yml

    Two files were your concern: application.yml and the bootstrap.yml

    # application.yml
          enabled: true

    Modify the name and the prefix for each components as needed

    # bootstrap.yml
        # Should be the same as the one you defined in application.yml
        name: nacos-gulimall-coupon
            # Combining these two, you get the data ID for you to add to the
            # Nacos configuration center for hot-reloading config, eventually,
            # you can put 'nacosconfig-coupon.yaml' in the configuration server
            # for future update
            prefix: nacosconfig-coupon
            file-extension: yaml
Setup for Hot-reload

Without this, the procedure for updating the configuration is edit config, deploy then send request to see the changes being made. BUT! If you have multiple machines (each with their own different config), you would have to do the same process over and over!

  • Code which reads from the config file

    The @Value here is used either for reading config keys ${} or templates #{}

    import .. ;
    import .. ;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    import org.springframework.cloud.context.config.annotation.RefreshScope;
    @ ..
    @ ..
    public class CouponController {
        // We gotta set a default value for the keys here, since some of the
        // config would only be available when the configuration server is
        // online (at least that's my experience: errors being raised by
        // Spring Boot when I'm not setting up the default value).
        @Value("${coupon.user.name:nobody}")  // default for name: 'nobody'
        private String name;
        @Value("${coupon.user.age:1}")        // default for age: 1
        private String age;
        // Test if it would read the contents from the config file
        public R test() {
            return R.ok()
                    .put("name", name)
                    .put("age", age);


  • Solution

    • A way for components calling each other (HTTP requests, but enhanced)
  • Usage Overview



Add this to the pom.xml under your individual components' folder

Components to be called

gulimall-coupon (as for gulimallcoupon, it's the lowest level package's name)

  • A new method inside CouponController.java

    @ ..
    public class CouponController {
        private CouponService couponService;
        // This is what we added, any other code exist already
        public R membercoupons() {
            CouponEntity couponEntity = new CouponEntity();
            couponEntity.setCouponName("30% off");
            return R.ok().put("coupons", Arrays.asList(couponEntity));
Components who do the calling


  • A central place to put available calling methods for the caller

    cd './gulimall-member/ .. /com/elliot/gulimall/gulimallmember/'
    mkdir -p feign
  • Where to find the callers

    import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.EnableFeignClients;
    @ ..
    @ ..
    @EnableFeignClients(basePackages = "com.elliot.gulimall.gulimallmember.feign")
    public class GulimallMemberApplication { .. }
  • Write an interface

    import com.elliot.common.utils.R;
    import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    public interface CouponFeignService {
        public R membercoupons();
gulimallmember Calls gulimallcoupon
  • Test code

    @ ..
    public class MemberController {
        private CouponFeignService couponFeignService;
        public R test() {
            MemberEntity memberEntity = new MemberEntity();
            R membercoupons = couponFeignService.membercoupons();
            return R.ok()
                    .put("member", memberEntity)
                    .put("coupons", membercoupons.get("coupons"));
  • Check the result

    curl "${ENDPOINT}" | jq '.coupons [] .couponName'    # "30% off"
    curl "${ENDPOINT}" | jq '.member .nickname'          # "Dickson"



  1. Vagrant

    vagrant status
    vagrant suspend     # sleep
    vagrant up          # boot
    vagrant halt        # shutdown
    vagrant reload      # reboot
  2. Docker

    docker container ps -a
    docker container restart mysql5dot7
    docker exec -it mysql5dot7 /bin/bash
  3. MySQL

    -- Just in case you wanna start over
    DROP DATABASE gulimall_pms_product   ;
    DROP DATABASE gulimall_oms_order     ;
    DROP DATABASE gulimall_sms_salepromo ;
    DROP DATABASE gulimall_ums_user      ;
    DROP DATABASE gulimall_wms_logistics ;