
Build a Reddit clone using Spring Boot 2.7 and Angular 9

Primary LanguageJava



  1. Installation

    • Spring Suite (e.g. Security, JPA, Web)
    • Database (e.g. MySQL Connector)
    • Auth (e.g. JSON Web Token)
    • Dev (e.g. Lombok)
    • ..
  2. Configuration

    • For account registration, we need a fake SMTP server
    • For saving data, we need the database related config


  1. Models: database table definition (with a bit of validation)
  2. Repositories: CRUD functionality based on DB for developers

Feat :: Account Registration

A simplified illustration of the process and connection between them

Illustration of the process of implementing the account registration

Feat :: Account Login

Verify and Return Username with JWT Token

  • The KeyStore security certificate

    • Generate

      keytool -genkeypair -storetype JKS \
          -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 \
          -validity 3650 \
          -alias $security_cerf_alias \
          -keystore $security_cerf_alias.jks \
          -storepass $security_cerf_passwd
    • Move the generated .jks file into your resources/ folder

  • A simplified illustration of the process and connection between them

    Illustration of the process of implementing the account login

Use the JWT Token and Actually Verify

A simplified illustration of the process and connection between them

Also with the actual Subreddit controller implemented for testing purposes

Illustration of the process of implementing the account login via the token verification

Invalidate the JWT Token after a Certain Length of Time

A simplified illustration of the process and connection between them

Illustration of the process of implementing the logic of token invalidation



  1. Installation: npm install -g @angular/cli@9.1.0

  2. Initalization

    ng new reddit-frontend
    cd reddit-frontend
    ng serve