
Cleaner replit authentication wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cleaner replit authentication wrapper with 300% more options than the default one.

Try it here: https://repl-auth-test.codingmaster398.repl.co/


<button id="authButton">Continue with Replit</button>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/codingMASTER398/clean-replit-auth/auth.min.js"></script>
    id: 'authButton',
    width: 600,
    height: 750

When you click on the authButton, a replit authentication popup window will appear, having the width of 600 pixels and height of 750 pixels. The REPL_AUTH cookie will be saved and can be accessed backend.


  id: 'authButton', // ID of the button
  width: 600, // Width of popup (default 350)
  height: 750, // Height of popup (default 500)
  onStartAuth: function(){}, // When the auth button has been clicked (default nothing)
  onAuth: function(){}, // When the authentication flow has completed, so you can reload the page or whatever (default reload)
  host: 'https://example.com/' // The host to pass to replit... don't know why you'd wanna change this. (default actual host)

You don't need any of these except id.

Migrating from https://auth.util.repl.co/ to this

Say you have this:

<script authed="alert('you authed!')" src="https://auth.util.repl.co/script.js"></script>

You can upgrade to clean-replit-auth easily:

<button id="authButton">Continue with Replit</button>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/codingMASTER398/clean-replit-auth/auth.min.js"></script>
  repl_auth({id: 'authButton'})

You'd notice that this is more code, but here are some reasons you should keep it around:


  • Much faster loading with jsdelivr's CDN
  • 3x the amount of settings
  • Smaller file, minimised as far as it can go
  • Allows for easier and better button styling
  • You can change the text of the button (this doesn't exist in the default Replit wrapper!)


Yes, I did use https://auth.util.repl.co/ as a starting point, so thanks to them!